Medical Cannabis Advice and Lobbyist for Patients and Businesses
Making our voices heard and sharing the knowledge
Making our voices heard and sharing the knowledge
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Patients First UK was established by Christopher Hobday, a medical cannabis advocate and lobbyist, to provide support, compassion and advocacy to patients.
Christopher suffered an accident in 2006 that left him with a pain condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and having to take strong prescribed opioids to help with the pain. As a result, his quality of life was severely impacted by all the medications he was taking.
Once Christopher discovered the benefits of cannabis for managing his condition, he’s focused a great deal of time and energy in lobbying UK parliament to change the laws surrounding cannabis and its medical use.
Christopher’s local MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle presented a case study, based on Christopher and his condition, to the House of Lords and Commons as a further reason why the law should change for patients like Christopher.
In 2018, the law was changed, and cannabis was made legal for medical use in the UK.
Since then, Christopher has navigated the, at times bumpy, road of obtaining a medical cannabis prescription; being the first patient of the first Medical Cannabis Clinic 2019. He’s experienced the highs and lows of being a medical cannabis patient; from being able to find the right medication to being discriminated against for taking his medication in a public place.
Christopher’s focus now is helping and supporting patients on their journey to becoming legal medical cannabis patients, using his own knowledge and experience, along with lobbying UK government for further protection of medical cannabis patients’ rights.
The Patients First UK team consists of Christopher Hobday, with administration support from his wife Liz Hobday and Emma Joy Milne.
We provide the following services for those that need help with where to start in their medical cannabis journey:
- One on one appointments to establish where you are in your journey, what you’re looking to get out of your prescription, go through the basics of cannabis (if needed), signposting to other resources and recommendations to clinics and pharmacies according to budget and lifestyle.
- Advocacy for the disabled and those in need.
- One on one support for any queries or concerns, through social media messaging, email or text.
We have two goals we’re working towards.
The first is to support patients of all budgets and circumstances in becoming legal medical cannabis patients.
The second is to dispel the stigma of medical cannabis through education, along with continuing to lobby UK government for the protection of patients’ rights.
We provide information and awareness of the different cannabis medications available in the UK. Our team will help guide you through the process and discuss your options, to ensure that you are comfortable with your treatment plan and provider.
Patients First UK is NOT a licensed medical clinic and CANNOT prescribe any form of medical cannabis. The services provided are strictly advisory and all medical needs should be discussed with your Doctor or medical cannabis clinic consultant.
For many years has been Christopher has been a loud voice in the medical cannabis industry. Working closely with the founder of the UPA Clark French. Having a clear voice for the direction of the UPA
On it's way Understanding Terpenes
And then........
What are Ester's??????
Cannabis flower is one of the most common forms of cannabis prescribed in the UK & in the medical cannabis industry as a hole. Flower is the most common form chosen by patients, which patients choice needs to be respected.
Cannabis is derived from simply the cannabis plant but contains cannabidiol. Patients & patients adjacent learn about CBD & THC but this the beginning of the story
The Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded for scientific discoveries related to the endocannabinoid therapy system. However, the endocannabinoid system It’s a network of chemical signals and cellular receptors that regulate critical bodily functions like learning, memory, temperature control, and pain modulation1. Researchers are actively studying its role in various overall aspects of health and well-being where the cannaboids work on many levels improving state of mind with the also giving the relief of chronic pain.
Cannabis oil is an extract of the cannabis from the flower, which can have a variety of applications for use. The extract is taken from the flower in a number of ways, for example cold press, solvent extract, hot oil/ butter extract to name a few. This give a very easy way to administer orally the consultants would take into account what prior experience with the medication & pictularly experence of oil. The dose would be in relation of your condition but would be a low dose & will build up if needed to combat the effects of the patients condition. Taking any medication take a bit more time to digest than vaping
Medical Cannabis can be taken in more forms now at the begining patients had to take their medication via a vaporisor & ideally a medical vaporiser, Oil had a president via a spray & now thc & cbd oils are availble. But now Gummies stored in the same medical packaging and defeats the what if questioning & based in reality. They are clearly identified by look & taste & is a mature fruity cannabidiol medication. Fantastic for flying or busy days & you want to be discrete meeting or in the Boardroom. It's also good for patients suffering from forms of oral cancers or patients suffering from Periodontal or Periodontitis. If you are suffering from any of these conditions it's very important you discuss this with your Clinic Consultant & GP & Dentist to get advice on your condition, an other medication you are taking. Orally can take some time to feel the full effects & get use to the effects through the full procedure to work out how to spread out your daily dose. Oral you need to respect the medication take one or a low even if you have a high dose as the effects can be a complete or a full effect & last for longer so please keep this in mind.
Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds in the cannabis plant that affect our mood, pain regulation, appetite and memory.
Trans-Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (also known as THC) is a medicinal compound utilized to treat an array of conditions & symptoms. Naturally occurring THC is the principal psychoactive compound and 1 of the 113 cannabinoids identified within the class of cannabinoid medication Trans-delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabin. This is one of the most common & arguably one of the most important cannabinoids for many conditions & the symptoms directed at patients
THC/THCa works well & very well on numerous conditions & their effects. It is a great help with pain and works well with opioids so the patient could reduce the amount or the timing between doses, the concentration possibly or not have to increase their medications over time. , making cannabis a great tool to work with once it is decarboxylised.
To manage and treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and stimulate appetite with in the NHS for NHS patients only. Where in the UK Private Medical treatment it is recognized to treat numerous conditions & the consults are happy to start the conversation & process once you are ready. As we are happy to give you the information & give you that one on one meeting to get the patient to be ready to procced.
Decarboxylation is a vital process to activate the properties of the THC to THCa. This is achieved by the introduction of heat to the cannabis, this is where smoking was the traditional way to medicate and where vaping is recommended by UK clinics and prescribers.
CBD confusing is called cannabinoid is another common cannabinoid, which has a therapeutic affect on the body without the psychoactive effects.
CBD was the first cannabinoid that was legally available in the UK, and was not regulated unlike THC, due to its therapeutic value.
The common effects of CBD may be utilized
here’s a more detailed breakdown of the common effects of CBD:
CBD is used predominantly used in combination of THC in different ratios
What is Indica Cannabis?
Cannabis is divided up in to three & comes under one of these umbrellas, Indica, sativa & the combination of the two to make hybrids.
Indica strains have been came from the Middle East Afghanistan Pakistan & Tibet traditionally & predominantly of course now is available all over the world and is available in the UK with a wide range of Medical strains.
Indica strains come from the cannabis indica plant, which is generally shorter and bushier than its sativa counterpart. Here are the common effects associated with indica strains:
Indica this one of the decisions when the consultant & yourself discuss when being prescribed. The knowledge has shared improved, building science over the years by guardians of the plant. Which now opened more understanding of it's medical properties. The combination of horticultor & scientists we have reliable techniques of splicing & crosspollination of the different strands of the cannabis plants which takes you on to Hybrids.
Remember that individual experiences with cannabis can vary based on factors like terpenes, cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD), and personal history.
Sativa is a type of cannabis plant known for its energizing and uplifting effects. Here’s what you can expect from sativa strains:
People use sativas to manage symptoms like depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Remember to stay hydrated and be mindful of potential side effects like anxiety or dizziness, especially if you’re new to cannabis.
You are going to hear a lot about hybrids along your medical journey This is going to be most to all the modern strains but even the older ones where dominant either Indica or sativa dominant.
An indica-dominant strain will primarily exhibit the characteristics of indica, although it may also possess subtler sativa qualities which are less pronounced & others Hybrid strains will be vice versa. This is even more the case with modern day hybrids which will be most of your medications unless they are Landrace strains. Which are naturally grown with no selective breading or interference.
When chose you medication you will find your most likely to want a sativa through the daytime but a indica through the night &/or the indica when you are struggling with chronic pain at those more difficult times & flare ups and when you have to stop & rest. The indica traits are very good for this.
Key Characteristics of Hybrid Strains:
Balanced Effects: Hybrids often provide a mix of the relaxing effects of Indica and the energizing effects of Sativa2.
Customization: Growers can tailor hybrids to emphasize specific characteristics, such as potency, aroma, and growth patterns.
They can be used for various purposes, from medicinal to recreational, depending on the specific combination of traits of that new strain: the desired traits of the Mother & Father he combintion of the two plus s
Cyncoed Consulting Rooms. Dartington Drive, Pontprennau, Cardiff. CF23 8SQ
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Address : 4 Devonshire St, London W1W 5DX
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Address : Online & Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, Greater London England, EC4N 6AF
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Address : 45 Century Buildings
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Address : 4 Redland Court Road, Bristol BS6 7EE
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Address : 195 Nottingham Road, Mansfield NG18 4AA
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Address : First Floor, The Original Alternative, North Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2LQ
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Address : 85 Great Portland Street
London, W1W 7LT
Phone Number : 020 3882 3348
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Address: 10 Harley St 20 Primrose Street, London W1G 9P
Telephone : 02074678345
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Address : Lido Medical Centre, St Saviours Road, St. Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7LA
Telephone : 01534888121
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Address : 10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF
Telephone : 0800 464 7051
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Address : 9A Wilbraham Pl, London Sw1X 9Ae
Telephone : 02045150797
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Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |
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